Learning objectives center around equipping participants with practical tools to help "children from hard places" heal and form healthy attachments.
To help understand the specific needs of the whole child, the principles of empowering, connecting and correcting, and practical steps that can help children heal. This is accomplished by: helping parents see their children with ‘eyes of compassion’; understanding the needs of the whole child; and offering hope from the scientific research that all children can heal if their parents are insightful and equipped.
To provide an in-depth look at the impact of trauma on children, including effects in their brain development, neurochemistry, sensory processing, attachment behaviors and ability to self-regulate. Presenter will review a wide range of research that gives insight into development deficits that impact “children from hard places,” but also focuses on helping parents/caregivers to see beyond maladaptive behaviors to the “real child”.
To encourage the parent to look at their adult attachment style and his/her motivations and expectations in helping his/her child develop a secure attachment. This session will: help understand the impact the parent’s own history can have on the relationship; provide parent’s insights and skills to help them begin to process their own histories; challenge parents to focus on what they bring to the parent-child relationship.
To provide a summary of attachment and key attachment research, focusing on the role of attachment as the foundation for the parent/child relationship. This session will also focus on helping parents/caregivers understand how to rebuild and repair ruptured attachments for “children from hard places”.
To present an overview of how sensory processing and neurochemistry is affected in “children from hard places.” Specifically, this session will focus on: signs of sensory processing deficits and disorder; strategies to effectively respond to and deal with sensory processing issues; research relating altered neurochemistry in “children from hard places.”
To offer insights, strategies and tools parents need to achieve effective behavioral change in their children while promoting lasting connection and healing.